The bone conduction hearing system bypasses any problems in the outer or middle ear by sending vibrations via the skull bone directly to the inner ear where they can be processed by the brain as sound.
All bone anchored hearing systems consist of a small implant that is surgically placed in the skull bone just behind your ear and a sound processor that attaches to a skin-penetrating abutment (connector) on the implant. The bone anchored surgery is a small procedure that is done in minutes.
The sound processor transforms the sound into vibrations that are transmitted through your bone via the implant and directly into the cochlea in the inner ear. In this way, bone anchored hearing uses the body’s natural ability to conduct sound.
Many people with hearing loss switch to a bone conduction hearing solution if they find that conventional hearing aids don’t give the results that they had hoped for.

Photos: MED-EL Medical Electronics
BONEBRIDGE delivers proven combination of direct-drive active amplification and wireless transcutaneous signal transmission for excellent hearing outcomes for patient with Conductive and Mixed Hearing Loss. This Implant helps individuals to overcome Single Sided Deafness.
BONEBRIDGE uses a one-of-a kind fully implantable electromagnetic transducer. The transducer is anchored directly to the bone. This direct-drive amplification enables powerful, high quality sound transmission across the full range of frequencies.
With BONEBRIDGE, there’s no need for an abutment, so the skin between the audio processor can heal completely after the initial surgery. Using similar technology to our cochlear implants, the SAMBA 2 audio processor transmits sound information as fully wireless signals to the implant receiver coil. With nearly 10 years of clinical experience, it’s clear that BONEBRIDGE delivers superior outcomes compared to percutaneous bone anchored implants.